Уoung princess named Isabella

Уoung princess named Isabella

Время на прочтение: 2 минут(ы)





Once upon a time, in a far-off kingdom, there lived a young princess named Isabella. She was the most beautiful and kind-hearted girl in all the land. Her father, the king, loved her more than anything else in the world.

One day while out for a walk in the nearby woods with her pet dog Charlie, Princess Isabella stumbled upon an old cottage. Inside she found seven dwarfs who were busy mining precious gems from deep inside the earth

The dwarfs welcomed Princess Isabella into their home and offered to show her around. They even let her try on their diamond-studded crowns which sparkled brightly under sunlight.




As days passed by, Princess Isabella became great friends with each of them and would visit them often after completing her royal duties at the palace. She would bring them food and flowers that she had picked up during her walks or sometimes just sit with them listening to their stories about life underground.

However one day an evil witch cast an enchantment over Princess Isabella’s castle causing everyone except for herself to fall asleep for 100 years! The dwarfs tried everything they could think of but nothing seemed to work against such powerful magic.

Finally one day as if by fate itself Prince Charming arrived riding on his horse through those very same woods where he saw sleeping beauty (Princess Isabelle) lying still inside that cursed castle tower surrounded by roses. Prince Charming immediately fell in love with Sleeping Beauty’s beauty and decided that he must wake up this fair maiden no matter what it takes!

With true love’s kiss from Prince Charming’s lips broke Evil Witch’s spell and awakened

Sleeping Beauty along with everyone else who had fallen asleep within its walls including all seven little Dwarves too!

From then onwards Princess Isabel was never again alone as she had both new friends like

Prince Charming as well as old ones like Seven Dwarves always there by her side whenever needed most.


Author: adminit23

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